Pivoting in Practice

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The road in medicine isn't always straight. You will likely not stay at your first job. In fact, the odds are against you.  More than half of young attending physicians leave their first job - whether it's private practice or an employed position.

In this episode, I interview Dr. Natalie Crawford about her private practice journey. Dr. Crawford is a successful reproductive endocrinologist and an expert in fertility education on social media with over 1.5 million downloads of her podcast 'As A Woman', over 135,000 followers on Instagram and almost 200,000 followers on Tiktok.

When I met Natalie 3 years ago, she had no interest in private practice ownership. She was employed and did not think running her own practice was for her. Well, life is funny like that.

She ended up starting her own private practice in the middle of the pandemic in the Summer of 2020 and it is thriving. Listen to her story.

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