My Nighttime Routine To Improve Sleep Hygiene and Get Better Rest

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Lie in bed anxiously trying to fall asleep as a billion thoughts race through your head? Maybe it’s your to do list for tomorrow, or the email you forgot to send you colleague. Or the text you need to send your sitter so she knows where to pick up your kids. And every minute you lie awake, you think about how much less sleep you’re getting? 
In this episode, I'm sharing my simple nighttime routine to set yourself up for better quality sleep. Because to be the most effective during the day, you HAVE to get sleep that is restorative.

This is a great read for anyone struggling to fall asleep at night or one who wakes up still feeling groggy. Implementing a few easy steps into a bedtime routine will improve your sleep and lead to a more productive day the next morning and you can start with ideas from my simple 20 minute bedtime routine. While my exact routine may not be what you need, you can take ideas and the framework from my routine and learn how to build your own bedtime routine that will set you up for better sleep and, therefore, a better morning. Here’s what you’ll find in this episode: 

(1:55) Giveaway! Leave us a review to win your own Full Focus Planner.

(7:23) Set a bedtime and waking time. It’s not just for babies! This is the most crucial step in your routine. 

(10:05) Don’t charge your phone on your nightstand. It will prevent you from reaching for your phone when you wake up in the night and when you get up in the morning. 

(13:09) Turn off devices 2 hours before bedtime. Probably the most difficult step, but one that will help you get more quality of sleep and to fall asleep faster. 

(15:33) Read a book! Doesn’t necessarily have to be a book, but do something calming that you enjoy. 

(17:15) Journal. Brain dump all of the things running through your mind. 

(18:41) Signify the start of your routine. It’s usually tea for me, but I just have something to signify the ritual! 

(19:43) Nighttime meditation. Just spending 5 minutes on this will change your sleep by quieting those voices in your head and telling your brain to let it go.


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Dr. Rupa

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