Minimizing Decision Fatigue As A Working Woman

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Let’s face it- we are all trying to do so much. Build community, run a business, be there for our friends and family, and on and on. So it’s understandable if you are experiencing some burnout or overwhelm. However, you don’t have to stay in that state of overwhelm!

Dr. Rupa Wong

Minimizing Decision Fatigue
With Mridhu Parikh

In this episode, I am joined by Mridhu Parikh to discuss decision fatigue, how it can affect our overall productivity, and, most importantly, how you can make small changes in your day-to-day in order to alleviate this fatigue. She shares questions we should be asking ourselves and tips that she uses throughout her day to minimize decision fatigue, leading her to have more energy, more productivity, and to make better decisions overall. We’ve all been there- your head hits the pillow at night and all you can think about are all the things you didn’t accomplish. Mridhu encourages us all to consider what will make us feel the most successful when it comes time for our head to hit the pillow at night and to focus on that, leaving the rest for another day. And that’s not all the good advice she has for us in this episode! Check out some highlights from our conversation: 


(2:53) Meet Mridhu. A former professional organizer and recovering perfectionist. But is perfectionism always bad?  

(10:22) How to focus better by minimalizing your options. Our brain is like a phone battery- the more we try to do at once, the quicker we will need to recharge. 

(12:50) What if you already feel too cluttered at home? Mridhu gives us 3 questions to ask ourselves when it’s time to declutter: Do I need this? Want this? Love this? 

(18:00) Ask yourself this everyday: What will make me feel most successful when my head hits the pillow? It's often the thing we’re procrastinating. 

(24:12) The epidemic of guilt- schedule your down time so that you won’t feel guilty when you take it! 

(25:13) What to do when it doesn't go to plan- you wake up late, the car won't start, or the kids are going crazy. Instead of doing more, plan more. Take a deep breath and think of the most important thing you need to do during the next hour or short period of time and this will prevent bad decisions. 

(29:40) Plan your top 3 everyday. Just put a stake in the ground. Don't focus on prioritizing and choosing the right 3, just pick your 3 for the day and go with it. 

(32:12) Where to find Mridhu: Productivity on Purpose Podcast, Instagram, and her website. 

Be sure to check out my free workbook that can help you start your journey of eliminating decision fatigue and prioritize your tasks here. As always, share what you learned and tag me on social media! Until next time, it was good to see you.

How to contributing to burnout
for women in medicine:

Take a listen to this important episode.

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