Be Better Prepared for The New Year By Reviewing and Reflecting

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If you’re listening to this podcast, I can imagine you are somebody who appreciates a good plan or system. So the new year may cause you to charge forward, set new goals, and look ahead. This isn’t bad, but what can happen when we charge forward with no reflection? In this episode, we will explore that very question and discuss how looking back at the year behind us can help us plan for the new year and reset our vision and goals. Not only that, but I will give you 3 steps to take that can help you think about last year in a productive and meaningful way. Here’s a snapshot of this episode:


(2:14) The importance of year end reviews. What they include and why looking backwards will serve you in the new year.

(4:17) Step 1: Celebrate! Acknowledge your wins and celebrate them. According to this Harvard Business Review article, it can boost morale and team relationships as well.

(12:00) Step 2: Reflect. Look at missed opportunities and mistakes from the past year and pause to consider what happened. Don’t create regret, create goals!

(14:56) Step 3: Synthesize. Were there any disconnects between your core values and decisions you were making? Consider these disconnects when moving forward.

Well, happy New Year, friends! I hope you feel ready and encouraged to tackle a new year and I think that implementing these 3 steps will help you transition into the new year with renewed vision and clear goals. What are your goals for the new year? Let me know over on Instagram! If you found this helpful, be sure to check out my revised Year End Review workbook to help walk you through these steps and share it with a friend. Until next time, it was good to see you.

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